Many new changes and pressures emerge for organizations today. While the management has to face day to day operational challenges, steering the company into the desired future and making sure the journey is well planned is of utmost importance. In particular, digital transformation we go through requires managements to understand technology more so then ever, evolving consumer behaviours, market challenges as well as the changing mix of communications. Timely and proper communications with all stakeholders and partners for achieving common goals is so critical.
Corporate Communications & Reputation Management
When all of your competitors are spending money on the same advertising and marketing tactics, reputation is what contributes to your brand and drive your growth.
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Corporate Responsibility
Your business can no longer solely think about maximizing profits therefore raising the shareholder value. You should adapt strategies, policies, programs to consistently to serve for the well-being of society, the environment and the stakeholders you work with.
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Digitalization continue to transform cross industries and new business models are raising. But the governments and policy makers often cannot respond to developing needs in a timely manner due to speed of technological developments.
Read MoreInvestor Communications and IPOs
Building Shareholder Value through Investor relations and Financial PR is all about communications with respective audiences through integration of financial and marketing knowhow .
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News & Articles

Koronavirüs teknolojik gelişmeleri hızlandıracak, nasıl mı?
March 9, 2020Koronavirüs dünyaya yayılmaya devam diyor. Hükümetler, şirketler, bireyler bu salgından korunmak için çeşitli tedbirler alıyorlar. Avrupa’da bazı ülkeler okulları bir ...

Teknoloji savaşları: Huawei, 5G, ABD ve Çin ekseninde neler oluyor?
February 20, 2020Amerika Birleşik Devletleri, Çin’in teknoloji devi Huawei’ye yönelik uyguladığı politikaları yeni belirlemedi; burada bir kaç aşamalı bir plan uygulanmakta. Konuyu ...

Dijital Hizmet Vergisi Uygulama 1 Mart’da başlıyor… Kimler, nasıl etkileniyor?
February 11, 2020Dijital Hizmet Vergisi Kanunu Kasım 2019’da TBMM’den geçmişti. Geçtiğimiz hafta Gelir İdaresi Başanlığı Dijital Hizmet Vergisi Uygulama Tebliği taslağını web ...